9 Common bedtime mistakes that damage your hair

By Sagar Kumar

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Increases breakage and frizz due to the friction between wet strands.

Sleeping with Wet Hair

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Absorbs moisture from the hair, causing dryness and tangles.

Using Cotton Pillowcases

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Leads to tension and breakage, especially with elastic bands.

Tying Hair Too Tight

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Allows knots and tangles to form, leading to breakage.

Skipping Brushing Before Bed

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Causes friction against the pillow, leading to damage and split ends.

Sleeping with Hair Down

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Damages hair cuticles, resulting in dryness and breakage.

Overusing Heat Styling Tools

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Uneven distribution can weigh down hair and cause buildup.

Applying Products Incorrectly

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Exposing hair to harsh elements overnight can lead to damage.

Neglecting to Protect Hair

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Rough fabrics like linen can cause friction and breakage.

Using the Wrong Pillowcase Material

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